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Our goal is to assist others in need and to encourage fellowship while working together as a cohesive team.  To create and preserve in the Canadian Progress Club a spirit of friendship that is sincere, helpful and enduring.  Fellowship is about extending friendship and support to others, whether it is in our own club, in other Progress clubs, or in the community.


Halifax members enjoy fellowship at social events, fundraising events, community service projects and more.


Halifax members attend inter-club events to promote attendance and participation in other Progress Clubs and community functions.


Each year a Regional Convention is held for all Eastern Region Clubs including the Halifax Progress Club, Halifax Cornwallis Women, Pictou County Women, Greater Moncton Men, and Greater Moncton Women, St. John’s Men, Quidi Vidi Women, and Sherbrooke.  In addition, there is an action packed National Convention hosted annually by various Clubs throughout Canada.


Have questions for our club or interested in joining?
Contact us through the form below.

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